Monday, November 8, 2010

Light The Night & Fall Fashions

I participated in LTN for Leukemia & Lymphoma (cause that's very close to my heart, as you may have read in a previous blog, I have two close friends that are in remission from Leukemia) over the weekend. This is my 2nd year doing so, and I really enjoy it. I was able to raise $220 which was a bit more than I did last year, so very excited about that. You see, I do SO MANY charity events, that it is hard for me to continually raise money, especially if it's from the same friends, and family. For the other events I do in April, we do those as a big group, and host car washes, yardsales, etc, so we usually raise a couple thousand! Here's a few pics from this years Light the Night.

Day 8: Well, I don't really have any names to point out for this one (not that I'd like to call people out anyways). I've read quite a few articles recently about bullying and I honestly didn't realize it was so bad! I guess that's because I never truly experienced it to that extent. The worse I got was occasionally being called a lesbian (because I was kinda dorky and not popular at all in middle school and I pretty much kept to myself, besides my best friend from that time, that I was always with. because we were both quite and shy, and sat together on the bus, and always hung out together, THAT supposedly made us lesbians) and fat. I'm thankful that I've never really had to deal with someone wanting to make life difficult for me. <3

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.
Day 2: Something you love about yourself.
Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

 With the weather changing, it's my favorite time of the year for fashion! I love being able to wear cute boots, long sleeve shirts, and jackets/sweaters! Here's a pic of my outfit from yesterday (and yes,  I had flip flops on with long sleeve! It IS Florida afterall. Flops are in style all year!) Note: my breakfast of Champions yesterday. A Bolthouse Farms fruit smoothie! Yum! The particular one I had was Berry Boost, it had 22 berries, 1/4 banana, and 3 apples!

While the weather is still cool, I'm hoping to be able to do a quick update of my outfit for today later, when I make it outta my PJ's. :)


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