Friday, March 4, 2011

The Countdown

Well, Hello Blog World.

I just wanted to check in quickly to let you know I am still around. It's been a crazy week. I've been consumed in wedding planning craziness. I'd thought that as the wedding approached I'd have less to do as I'd had all the previous months to do them. Boy was I wrong. There is so much that you CANT actually do until the time draws near and then it all kind of JUMPS out at you. That's where I am at now. So I haven't had much time to shine my light on the world wide web (AKA update my blog). I literally left my house yesterday at 9am for dress alterations in a city that's about an hour away and I didn't get home again until about 1:30am. WOW!  But, the good news is things ARE getting done. Soon the shower will be here, and then the Bachelorette, and before I know it, I'll be going to the chapel(which in my case will be a historic mansion), and we're gunna get married. I can't wait. :) 

In 44 days I will be a married woman
 to the wonderful man above, my best friend.

So, yeah, I will try to update my blog here and there, and continue working on my Project 31, but if you don't see me for a few days, you know what I am consumed with. BUT, after the wedding, there will be tons of pictures/blogs to follow. Yay!

Have a blessed weekend everyone <3


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