I got home super late last night, and then of course could not fall asleep right away. Once I finally drifted to sleep, the dogs woke me up to go outside (argh! THAT'S exactly why they suggest you don't allow pets to sleep in bed with you). Crawled back in bed, and before I knew it my alarm was going off to tell me I had to get to the vet to get Bullseyes final booster shots from the puppy annual. So, Bullseye is all vaccinated up, and good to go, next up, the balls are coming off! and a microchip! If this precious baby gets lost again, I want to ensure that he is chipped so that if someone (like I did) finds him, they can locate the owner easily.
I decided instead of going right back to sleep after the appointment, to go grocery shopping with my room mate. We desperately (she was eating Tuna!) needed to go. I figured Thursday AM would be better than any time over the weekend. So off we went. MISTAKE. Our Walmart should be dubbed destruction-mart. They are in the process of remodeling and it's a hot mess. Alas, we did make it in and out alive, and within an hour.
Now I am gearing up to run off to a massage appointment, in hopes that it will loosen up my back that has been horrible tense lately. Afterwards I hope I can catch a nap. Overtime that I am not used to has really caught up with me this week!
I even canceled a yard sale that was planned at my house on Friday and Saturday so that I could get some extra ZZZ's before going back to work. The yard sale was actually to help me and 6 of my closest girlfriends raise money to pay for an annual trip to AMI.We will reschedule that yard sale. :)

My only other agenda for the day is meeting up with a lady from craigslist that wants to buy all my left over gerber daisies from the wedding *YAY!* and then tonight S & J are coming over to get caught up on Gossip Girl. Yup, you heard that right. We are that group of friends that get together for girly shows. haha.
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